WardWiz Essential 1 PC 1 Year

Why WardWiz Essential?
Equipped with system essential tools for fortifying the personal and professional usage.
REGISTRY OPTIMIZERThe Registry Optimizer improves performance of your computer system. It removes unwanted and leftover entries from software uninstalls, idle entries etc. to boost registry operations and boost the overall performance. | HEURISTIC SCANHeuristic scan is technique of detecting harmful files and threats based on their behaviour. It is a very important feature as it protects the device even if the virus database is not updated. | AUTORUN PROTECTIONAutorun scanner enables you to scan the autorun files before it runs on the device. So it keeps your device protected even if a USB or any other device is connected to it. |
ANTI-ROOTKITRootkits allow administrative access to unauthorized users through any third party application. It hampers the application process; also it helps hackers to steal the information. WardWiz detects, blocks, repairs and permanently removes such malicious program to keep your computer system safe. | ANTI RANSOMWAREGet Next-gen ransomware protection against CTB-Locker, Locky, Petya and TeslaCrypt ransomware families with WardWiz Anti Ransomware. | REAL TIME SCANNEREach time you receive a file, open, download or copy it, WardWiz real-time scanner will give you the highest level of protection on real time basis. |
SCHEDULED SCANAllows to define scan schedule. | BOOT TIME SCANScans and removes threats before operating system get started. | WARDWIZ WIDGETDisplays WardWiz Gadgets UI on user’s desktop. |
DATA ENCRYPTIONYou can add extra protection to your files and folders by using Data Encryption and Decryption feature. WardWiz encrypted files can be decrypted only through WardWiz. | CUSTOM SCANYou can create and run a scan to meet your requirements. Simply drag and drop the files or applications that you wish to scan. | EXCLUDE SCANWith Exclude Scan feature you can eliminate known safe files or applications that should not be scanned. |
AUTO USB SCANNEREvery time a flash drive is connected to the device, WardWiz prompts you to scan it before you import files from the USB stick. This protects your device from harmful viruses that the USB might contain. | DATA THEFT PROTECTIONYou can prevent data leakage by enabling the Data Theft Protection option which blocks unauthorized transfer of data from your device to an external drive. | SELF PROTECTIONWardWiz Self Protection is built to detect vulnerabilities and fix them. It identifies and defends itself from attacks. |
INFECTED FILE QUARANTINEWhen WardWiz detects threats or infected files, it automatically repairs, isolates and keeps them in the quarantine folder to prevent these files from spreading infection to the computer system and other files. | RECOVER QUARANTINE FILESIf a document or application is moved to the quarantine folder but it is important and contains necessary data, such file can be recovered using the Recover Quarantine Files in WardWiz. | TEMPORARY FILE CLEANERThis tool cleans your PC automatically from unwanted temporary files. It removes tracking files, reduces the PC startup time and saves disk space on your computer. |
Wardwiz Toll free (Pan India): 1800-266-1229
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