E-Kundali Premium 6.0

E-Kundali Premium 6.0
English , Hindi , Bangla Telugu & Gujarati
List Of Content
- Astrological Particulars (Indian Western), Notable Factors, Ghata-Chakra, etc.
- The longitudes, positions, dispositions of Planets; Lagna- Navamsh- Kundalis
- The 12 Bhavas (House-Cusps Spans); Bhava-Kundali Bhava-Chalit Kundali
- The Shodasha-Varga (16 Divisional) Charts [ with options for 10 or 7 or 6 Vargas ]
- The positions of 'Sun'-based and 'Weekday'-based Upa-Grahas (as per 2 methods)
- Panetary Karakas, Padas (of Grahas, Bhavas, Rashis), Various kinds of Aspects
- Various Tara-Chakras: Sannadi, Nava-Tara, Tri-Nadi, Sthuna, Arkhas ( 4 , 8 )
- Graha-Maitri: Naisargika Maitri, Tatkalika Maitri, Panchadha Maitri Chakras]
- Determination of Shad-Bala*: Graha Bala, Ishta Phala, Kashta Phala, Bhava Bala
- The Argala Chakras: Mukhya-, Gouna-, Virodha-, Vishesha- Argalas for planets
- Sudarshan Chakra (for viewing Lagna-, Chandra-, and Surya- Kundalis at a glance)
- Ashtakavarga: Bhinna Ashtakavarga of Planets, Lagna, Rahu; Sarva Ashtakavarga
Checking the Prospect of Education
- Aptitude and Proficiency (from 2nd House)
- Informal studies (from 3rd House)
- Hand-writing (from 3rd House)
- Special role of the Ascendant-lord
- General Education - (from 4th-house)
- Intelligence, memory, merit - (from 5th-house)
- Application-oriented education - (Inter-relationship between the 4th-lord and the 5th-lord)
- Application-oriented education - (Inter-relationship between the other angular- and trinal- lords)
- Higher-/ Professional- education Research - (from 9th House)
- Study of Occult subjects/ Mysteries/ Research - (from 12th House)
- Deeper Studies/ Research/ Uncommon Pursuits - (from 8th House)
- Prospect of Education and Areas of interest - (from Bhinnashtakavarga of Mercury)
- Considerations from the Exchange of Planetary TERMS : For ascertaining inclinations and interest
- Considerations from the 10th-house : For Acuired Knowledge, which can be utilized in profession
- Considerations from the Divisional Chart Chaturvimshamsha : The quality- and extent- of education
- Considerations from the total number of dots in Bhinnashtakavarga
Notable Features
- 100% Accurate Calculations , Well designed work screens
- 4 types of charts styles ( North Indian, South Indian, East Indian Sri lankan) , A lot of graphical interaface features
- Longitude, Latitude database of more than 180,000 places
- 10 types of ayanamsha , 6 types of House cusp
- Tri-Pap Chakra observations from Tri-Ayudh Chakra (Rath Chakra, Ghurna Chakra Chapa Chakra)
- All Aspects ( Parashari, Jaimini Tajaka )
- Paddhati
- Planetary Positions Disposition
- Calculations of Sub, Sub-Sub Sub-Sub-Sub Lords of Houses and Planets
- Various Kind of Dasha
- Vimshottari Dasha (Traditional) upto 5 levels: Maha-Dasha, Antara-Dasha, Pratyantara-Dasha, Sooksha-Dasha,rana-Dasha
- Vimshottari Dasha (Alternate) upto 3 levels: Maha-Dasha, Rashi-Bhukti, Kaksha-Antara
- Tribhagi Dasha upto 3 levels: Maha-Dasha, Antara-Dasha, Pratyantara-Dasha
- Dwadashottari Dasha (Alternate) upto 3 levels: Maha-Dasha, Rashi-Bhukti, Kaksha-Antara
- Shodashottari Dasha (Alternate) upto 3 levels: Maha-Dasha, Rashi-Bhukti, Kaksha-Antara
- Ashtottari Dasha (2 Methods): Aridradi Krittikadi
- Shashti-Hayani Dasha
- Yogini Dasha
- at-Trimsha Dasha
- Jaimini Chara Dasha (Neelkanta's Method)
- Jaimini Chara Dasha (Method of RaghavaBhatta NrisimhaSuri)
Checking Prospect of Profession
- Observations from K.C.D Jeeva-Rashi and Amsha-Rashi
- Checking Prospect of Marriage , Checking Health Disease
- Travels,Tours, Foreign Journey,Favorable Direction-Where toGo?
Marriage Matching Section
- Planetary Positions Dispositions , Astrological Particulars
- Ashta-koota agreement Gun-milan score (max. 36 points)
- Dwadasha-koota agreement Gun-milan score (max. 50 points)
- Dosha-Samyam ( or Balancing of Malefic Influences)
Varsha-Phala Section
- Planetary Positions Dispositions , Astrological Particulars
- Saham in Varshphal , Dwadash Varga Charts
- Dashas applicable in Varshphala
Prediction Section
- Important Predictions from Varshphala (Ashtak Chakra, Dhundhiraja Padhati, Varsheshwar and Muntha)
- Applicable Tajika Yogas in Varshphala
- Predictions from Varshphala Saham
- Varsha-Phala Predictions from Mudda-Vimshottari Dasha
- Varsha-Phala Predictions from Patyayini Dasha
General Predictions Section
- Genaral Prediction - Physical Appearance, Mental Qualities, Notable Characteristics
- Predictions from various astrological constatnt (Barahaspatya 'Samvatsara'(60 Jovian Years), Soura 'Ayan', 'Ritu'(Seasons), 'Masa' (Month), 'Paksha', Weekday, Birth in Day or Night, Surya-Sidhanta Yoga, Tithi, Karana, Nakshatra, Lagna, Hora, Drekkana, Pranapada, Gulika, Deha Rashi (= Body), 'Gana', 'Varna'.
- Planetary Combinations (Yoga) Applicable in Kundali - Important Yogas: Dhana Yogas, Vitta Hani Yogas, Nabhasha Yogas, Anishta Yogas, Ravi Yogas, Chandra Yogas, Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas, Graha Malika Yogas, Arishta Yogas (Coverage of approx 750 Yogas)
- Predictions of Planets situated in Various Signs and Houses
- Planetary Placements Related Predictions (Western)
- Gems Rudraksha recommendation for Planets
- Specific Predictions (Research based predictions)
- Various Parts of Body and their functions
- Appearance, Physical Structure & Skin-Complexion
- Cumulative effect of planets on skin-complexion
- Estimating the possible bulk of the figure (when grown-up)
- The Eyes & Eye-Sight , Estimating the possible height (when grown-up) , Estimating the possible skin-complexion
- Teeth, Tongue & Speech , The Stomach & Digestion System
- The Ears & Hearing , The Arms, Hands & Shoulders
- The Heart & The Back , Thighs, Knees, Shanks, Feet & Toes
- Generation, Circulation & Elimination System
Dasha Predictions Section
- Vimshottari Dasha Prediction - Dasha, Antar Patyantar
- Ashtottari Dasha Prediction , Yogini Dasha Prediction
- Jaimini Chara Dasha (Method of RaghavaBhatta NrisimhaSuri)
Prediction Section
- Kuja-Dosha (Manglik Blemish) its cancellation
- Checking for presence of other obstructive factors
- Compatibility results between two charts
- Sympathy and antipathy between two charts
Various Dasha
- Patyayini Dasha , Mudda-Vimshottari Dasha
- Mudda-Yogini Dasha , Mudda-Shodashottari Dasha
- Jaimini Chara Dasha- Varsha Phal
Contents of Transit Section
- Transit Saturn (Sadhe-Sati) , Transit Jupiter
- Sarva Graha Gochar , Viewing Transit from Ashtaka Varga
Various Tools
- Baby Name Selector (Select baby names from 45000 baby names) , Birth day reminder.
- All information of each Planets, Signs & Nakshtra in one place
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